May 26, 2011

Dogcation at the Cabin

Greg and I like to do things a little bit different than most.  Instead of traveling Up North for Memorial Day weekend like most, we took off last Friday, and made our own 3 day weekend before the crowds marched North.  We had decided that our 4 legged, furry friend needed it bad.  Porter tends to get quite unbearable when he does not get at least one major, butt-kicking, tongue-drooping-out-to-the-side, work out during the week.  So we packed up his box, and the jeep with a few essential belonging and drove to The Cabin.  Greg and I had a great time, but it is evident by our photos, that Porter probably had the most fun of all!

May 12, 2011

Stapleton Wedding :)

Two weekends ago, Greg and I dropped Porter off at my Dad's house, took a detour in Indianapolis to see some friends, and continued on our way to Cincinnati for a wedding reception.   We enjoyed celebrating with the couple and took a few pictures throughout the night.  I don't have a big fancy flash, so there a lots of shadows, but between Greg and I, we caught a few priceless moments.  Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton, hopefully you are all settled in Indianapolis by now!

May 2, 2011

Experimenting with Lightroom

There are nights when I get home from work when I know I'm not going to be productive, and there are nights where I know I will be productive, and then there are the nights when I don't want to be productive, but know I should anyways.  Tonight is just one of those nights.  I know I should be productive even if I'm just plain lazy.  I decided to take some time and explore lightroom.  Practice makes perfect, right?  I took a bunch of photos of my 3-day a week infant model and explored what I could do with them.  I really like the black and white belly picture.  It's pure baby bliss.

Suggestions, Comments, Constructive Criticism?  I'm open to hear from you.